Have you:

  • Been to an exercise class and been told to switch on your core without an explanation of how to do it?
  • Given birth and found that you no longer have the same level of control of your pelvic floor muscles? You try to do pelvic floor squeezes, but you are not sure if you are doing it right.
  • Been wanting to see a women’s pelvic health physio but worried about having an internal vaginal exam?

Hello Real Time Ultrasound (RTUS)!!

RTUS is an imaging tool used by physiotherapists to gain more information during an assessment and also to educate patients on whats happening in their abdominal wall and/or pelvic floor. There are 2 approaches to using real time ultrasound:

1. Trans-abdominal Ultrasound:

Can be used to assess activation of the different layers of the abdominal muscles (your core muscles). Using trans abdominal ultrasound we can teach you how to activate and isolate your deepest core muscles that are vital for core and pelvic stability and strengthening.

The pelvic floor can also be assessed by having the probe just above the pubic bone and getting a good view of a full-ish bladder. By finding the base of the bladder and asking for a pelvic floor contraction, the bladder base can be seen lifting up, relaxing & bearing down indicating how the pelvic floor muscles are working. This is a good alternative to a vaginal examination to assess the pelvic floor, but when used in conjunction with a vaginal exam provides a lot more information to make a more definitive diagnosis. This is a great tool to teach pelvic floor contraction and relaxation.

2. Trans-perineal Ultrasound:

This involves placing a gloved probe on the perineum, the area between the vulva/penis and the anus with light pressure. This gives a good view of the bladder, uterus, vagina, prostate, male urethra, anus and rectum.

TPUS allows pelvic floor muscle assessment during functional tasks such as coughing & bearing down. It can be used as a re-education tool for pelvic floor contraction/relaxation, correct defecation technique & is useful in determining the best course of treatment for stress urinary incontinence.

TPUS is also a great option for our pregnant patients to assess the pelvic floor in preparation for birth and teaching the correct pushing technique.

Lastly it’s a great alternative assessment for patients who have any pelvic pain to have their pelvic floor assessed without an internal vaginal assessment & for males to have a pelvic floor assessment without an internal rectal exam.

Here at Sydney Women’s Physio all our Physiotherapists are trained to use Real Time Ultrasound to assess abdominal and pelvic floor function.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us on (02) 8883 5360 or email at info@sydneywomensphysiotherapy.com.au
