Children’s Bladder Health
Bladder health concerns in children
What factors may contribute to bedwetting in children?
- Increase in urine production overnight
- Sleeping through the sensation of a urinary urge
- Nasal airway obstruction
- Constipation
- Exposure to bladder irritants in the child’s diet
- Genetics
- Psychological factors such as the introduction of a new baby in to the family
- Anatomic abnormalities
What factors may contribute to urinary incontinence in children?
- Weak or overactive pelvic floor muscles
- Poor core strength
- Postural weakness
- Tight abdominal wall
- Constipation
- Detrusor overactivity (overactive bladder)
- Neurogenic conditions
- Withholding from the toilet
How can Pelvic Connections help manage bladder health concerns in children?
Physiotherapy is an effective treatment option for the management of bladder health concerns in children and the team at Pelvic Connections have undergone extensive training to provide a high level of care to their patients. Each treatment approach is individualised and tailored to meet the patient’s needs and the cause of their symptoms. Treatment may include – education; management of constipation; voiding schedules; addressing toileting fears; pelvic floor, core and postural exercises; education regarding toileting positions and techniques; reducing the intake of bladder irritants in the diet and more!
Please note: We do not perform internal examinations on children. All examinations and treatment of the pelvic floor will be performed via real-time ultrasound or externally.
The Physiotherapists Treating Children’s Health