Men’s Pelvic Pain

What is pelvic pain in men or those assigned male at birth?

Men, or those assigned male at birth, can experience varying degrees of pain in the pelvic area. This can be presented as pain in the whole shaft of the penis or just at the tip of the penis, around the scrotum or perineum, as well as radiating into the lower abdomen. Pelvic pain can affect sexual, urinary and bowel function and can be very distressing.

Unfortunately, pelvic pain in men or those assigned male at birth, is slow to get a diagnosis due to the process of ruling out medical presentations first, such as cancer, cute infection, and inflammation. If the pain has persisted for more than six months, it is then called persistent or chronic pelvic pain

Your pelvic health physiotherapist can help you manage the following signs and symptoms: 

  • Pain in your penis, scrotum, perineum, groin and abdominal wall
  • Pain felt in the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus
  • Pain triggered with urination and at completion of urination
  • Pelvic floor muscles weakness
  • Inability to relax your pelvic floor muscles
  • Difficulty initiating urination
  • Constipation and straining
  • Sexual pain: pain with getting or maintaining an erection, pain during intercourse, and after or with ejaculation

Pain can be presented as pressure, throbbing, stabbing or burning with provoking actions as simple and natural as sitting, bending, lifting and intercourse.

Some common medical names for male pelvic pain: 

  • Chronic Prostatitis
  • Chronic Pelvic Pelvic Pain Syndrome
  • Bladder Pain Syndrome
  • Pudendal Neuralgia
  • Proctalgia Fugax
  • Levator Ani Syndrome
  • Coccydynia

How can Pelvic Connections help?

With increased awareness of pelvic health physiotherapy being first-line treatment for pelvic pain, you can commence pelvic health physiotherapy to improve your pain, while you still undergo investigations with your GP or specialist. We acknowledge that the management of persistent pelvic pain can be complex and multifactorial in nature. Our team of physiotherapists have undergone additional training and have many years of experience in the management of persistent pelvic pain.

During your initial consultation, you can expect your physiotherapist to take a thorough history of your concerns and then provide you with a clear and detailed treatment plan. Treatment will include education, postural education, advice regarding appropriate exercise and pacing strategies, management of bladder and bowel concerns, pain management techniques and a home exercise program. We acknowledge the holistic approach required and as a result have strong links with urologists, colorectal specialists, gastroenterologists, pain medicine specialists and psychologists to help manage your concerns if required.

The Physiotherapists Treating Men’s Health 


