Group Classes

What classes do you offer?

At Sydney Women’s Physiotherapy, we offer a variety of classes designed to bring out the best health outcomes for our patients. These classes include Strengthen and Rebuild, Studio Equipment, Mums and Bubs, Prenatal exercise, Over 50’s, Unwind,  and Restore and Run Group.

Why are your classes so unique?

At Sydney Women’s Physiotherapy, we recognise each individual’s goals and concerns and will develop a class that will cater to every single person in that class. Our classes are physiotherapist-led and are small in numbers with maximum of 5-6 students participating per class. If you participate in one of our classes, you will receive individualised feedback that will allow you to progress through your exercises safely.

In addition, our classes are run via school terms that ensure progress is developed. We acknowledge that progress comes through regular practice and feedback, as supported by research. Attending a class here and there will not provide the benefits that many of our patients are seeking and therefore having a term commitment assists our patients in reaching their goals sooner!

Can I still participate in your classes if I have an injury or pelvic floor dysfunction?

Of course! Our classes are designed to meet the individual at the level that they are currently at and build on their base as they progress. We can meet you at any point and support you through correct exercise prescription, feedback, cueing and appropriate modifications. You will feel safe and supported in all of our classes.
If you are not currently a patient at our clinic, you will be required to participate in a group exercise assessment prior to joining one of our classes. This will ensure that upon entry to your class that your physiotherapist has a good understanding of your baseline strength and mobility, goals and any concerns to ensure that they provide the correct exercise prescription for you.

To book a group exercise assessment, please feel free to call us on (02) 8883 5360.

The Physiotherapists Offering Classes





