Children’s Pelvic Pain


A holistic treatment for pelvic pain

Pelvic pain is a broad umbrella term to describe pain located in the pelvis. Children may experience pelvic pain in the following areas: vulvo-vaginal, testicular, perineal, rectal, anal or the external pelvis.

What factors may contribute to pelvic pain?

  • History of tailbone trauma
  • Constipation
  • Urinary incontinence causing skin breakdown
  • Dermalogical concerns
  • Sexual trauma
  • Abdominal wall tightness
  • Core weakness
  • Poor relaxation of the pelvic floor
  • Postural weakness
  • History of “W-Sitting”

How can Pelvic Connections help manage pelvic pain in children?

  • Postural education
  • Core strengthening
  • Pelvic floor exercises
  • Management of bladder and bowel concerns
  • Movement advice
  • Manual therapy

How can Pelvic Connections help manage bladder health concerns in children?

Physiotherapy is an effective treatment strategy for the conservative management of Pelvic Pain. Each treatment approach is individualised and tailored to meet the patient’s needs and the cause of their symptoms.

Please note: We do not perform internal examinations on children. All examinations and treatment of the pelvic floor will be performed via real-time ultrasound or externally.

The Physiotherapists Treating Children’s Health 

