How We Treat

At Sydney Women’s Physiotherapy/Pelvic Connections, we do not just treat a body part or a pain symptom. Our assessment, treatment and management covers every aspect of YOU, both inside and outside. This includes a whole body, mind and person approach. We are the experts in fitting all jigsaw pieces together so that you can reach your health and movement goals.
This flow diagram describes the process of how our team will progress your therapy and how we will hold space to help you learn, understand and process your health concerns. We aim to be the physiotherapist that you can rely on to advocate for your treatment choices and be a part of your multidisciplinary healthcare team. Our team of skilled physiotherapists will assist you to get back into the wider community, supporting you through your movement and health goals!

The Story

Comprehensive and detailed discussion understanding the history of your symptoms and concerns. Your physiotherapist will look at what may have caused and contributed to your concerns, why it is persisting and understanding your medical history in context of your life and lifestyle.
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Whole body assessment with specialised assessment of your pelvic floor. This may include an internal vaginal or rectal assessment and will be guided by your physiotherapist and your preference and consent.
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Diagnosis and explanation of your symptoms. Your physiotherapist will explain your treatment options and expected outcomes.
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Implementation of an individualised treatment program addressing both internal and external impairments as well as advice/strategies to help you manage your symptoms. Your physiotherapist will provide you with a home exercise program to complement the therapy completed within clinic sessions. We may suggest increasing accountability and more detailed care and guidance through participation in one of our exercise classes.
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The whole framework of our treatment is to empower you to self-manage your concerns but also learn to know when to check back in with us if your symptoms require further fine tuning.
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Our team will support you with integrating back into the wider community. This may include participating in more social events, joining the local park run, fitness group/centres, sporting teams, dance classes or wherever your movement goals take you. We can guide you and your chosen trainer during your transition into your movement and provide feedback with what to look out for during your activity of choice.
January 01, 2021
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