What can I do about abdominal separation?

What can I do about abdominal separation?

Abdominal separation is also known as Diastasis Recti Abdominis or DRAM.  The abdominal wall is made up of a group of muscles, fascia and connective tissue. Sitting at the front is your rectus abdominis or 6 pack muscles. A thin sheet of connective tissue called the...
Overactive Bladder Syndrome

Overactive Bladder Syndrome

Do you find yourself rushing to the toilet to empty your bladder? Are you finding that you are emptying your bladder quite frequently throughout the day?  Do you leak on the way to the toilet when you are feeling bladder urgency? If you answered yes to any of the...
Tips for Constipation Management

Tips for Constipation Management

Is constipation getting you down and making you feel sluggish? Then I have some tips for you! Move throughout the dayMovement stimulates our digestive tract and speeds up the time it takes for our bowel motion to move through our body before it exits. Eat...
Do I have pelvic floor dysfunction?

Do I have pelvic floor dysfunction?

Many women have not received any education or information regarding pelvic floor anatomy or function. Even those who have had a baby themselves already! As Physiotherapist’s that work in the area of Women’s health, it is our job to educate women on and create...